Source code for photon.util.files

from json import dumps as _dumps
from json import loads as _loads
from os import path as _path

import yaml as _yaml

[docs]def read_file(filename): ''' Reads files :param filename: The full path of the file to read :returns: The content of the file as string (if `filename` exists) .. note:: If `filename`'s content is empty, ``None`` will also returned. To check if a file really exists use :func:`util.locations.search_location` ''' if filename and _path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: return
[docs]def read_yaml(filename, add_constructor=None): ''' Reads YAML files :param filename: The full path to the YAML file :param add_constructor: A list of yaml constructors (loaders) :returns: Loaded YAML content as represented data structure .. seealso:: :func:`util.structures.yaml_str_join`, :func:`util.structures.yaml_loc_join` ''' y = read_file(filename) if add_constructor: if not isinstance(add_constructor, list): add_constructor = [add_constructor] for a in add_constructor: _yaml.add_constructor(*a) if y: return _yaml.load(y)
[docs]def read_json(filename): ''' Reads json files :param filename: The full path to the json file :returns: Loaded json content as represented data structure ''' j = read_file(filename) if j: return _loads(j)
[docs]def write_file(filename, content): ''' Writes files :param filename: The full path of the file to write (enclosing folder must already exist) :param content: The content to write :returns: The size of the data written ''' if filename and _path.exists(_path.dirname(filename)) and content: with open(filename, 'w') as f: return f.write(content)
[docs]def write_yaml(filename, content): ''' Writes YAML files :param filename: The full path to the YAML file :param content: The content to dump :returns: The size written ''' y = _yaml.dump(content, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) if y: return write_file(filename, y)
[docs]def write_json(filename, content): ''' Writes json files :param filename: The full path to the json file :param content: The content to dump :returns: The size written ''' j = _dumps(content, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if j: return write_file(filename, j)