Source code for photon.util.locations

.. |params_locations_dict| replace::
    If `locations` is not a list, but a dictionary,
    all values in the dictionary will be used
    (as specified in :func:`util.structures.to_list`)
.. |param_locations_none| replace::
    If `locations` is set to ``None`` (by default),
    it will be filled with the output of :func:`get_locations`.

from os import environ as _environ
from os import listdir as _listdir
from os import makedirs as _makedirs
from os import path as _path
from os import remove as _remove
from os import sep as _sep
from shutil import copy2 as _copy2
from shutil import rmtree as _rmtree
from sys import argv as _argv

from photon import IDENT

[docs]def get_locations(): ''' Compiles default locations :returns: A dictionary with folders as values: * 'home_dir': Your home-directory (:file:`~`) * 'call_dir': Where you called the first Python script from. (``argv[0]``) * 'conf_dir': The :envvar:`XDG_CONFIG_HOME`-directory + \ ``photon`` (:file:`~/.config/photon`) * 'data_dir': The :envvar:`XDG_DATA_HOME`-directory + \ ``photon`` (:file:`~/.local/share/photon`) .. note:: * Both :func:`search_location` and :func:`make_locations` \ have the argument `locations`. * |param_locations_none| ''' home_dir = _path.expanduser('~') conf_dir = _path.join( _environ.get( 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME', _path.join(home_dir, '.config') ), IDENT ) data_dir = _path.join( _environ.get( 'XDG_DATA_HOME', _path.join(home_dir, '.local', 'share') ), IDENT ) return { 'home_dir': home_dir, 'call_dir': _path.dirname(_path.abspath(_argv[0])), 'conf_dir': conf_dir, 'data_dir': data_dir }
[docs]def make_locations(locations=None, verbose=True): ''' Creates folders :param locations: A list of folders to create (can be a dictionary, see note below) :param verbose: Warn if any folders were created .. note:: * |params_locations_dict| * |param_locations_none| ''' from photon.util.structures import to_list from photon.util.system import shell_notify if not locations: locations = get_locations().values() locations = to_list(locations) r = list() for p in reversed(sorted(locations)): if not _path.exists(p): _makedirs(p) r.append(p) if verbose and r: shell_notify('path created', state=None, more=r) return r
[docs]def search_location(loc, locations=None, critical=False, create_in=None, verbose=True): ''' Locates files with a twist: * Check the existence of a file using the full path in `loc` * Search for the filename `loc` in `locations` * Create it's enclosing folders if the file does not exist. \ use `create_in` :param loc: Filename to search :param locations: A list of possible locations to search within (can be a dictionary, see note below) :param critical: |appteardown| if file was not found :param create_in: If `loc` was not found, the folder `create_in` is created. If `locations` is a dictionary, `create_in` can also specify a key of `locations`. The value will be used then. :param verbose: Pass verbose flag to :func:`make_locations` :returns: The full path of `loc` in matched location .. note:: * |params_locations_dict| * |param_locations_none| ''' from photon.util.structures import to_list from photon.util.system import shell_notify if not locations: locations = get_locations() for p in reversed(sorted(to_list(locations))): f = _path.join(p, loc) if _path.exists(f): return f if _path.exists(_path.abspath(_path.expanduser(loc))): return _path.abspath(_path.expanduser(loc)) if critical: shell_notify('could not locate', state=True, more=dict( file=loc, locations=locations )) if create_in: if isinstance(locations, dict): create_in = locations.get(create_in, create_in) make_locations(locations=[create_in], verbose=verbose) return _path.join(create_in, loc)
[docs]def change_location(src, tgt, move=False, verbose=True): ''' Copies/moves/deletes locations :param src: Source location where to copy from :param tgt: Target location where to copy to * To backup `src`, set `tgt` explicitly to ``True``. \ `tgt` will be set to `src` + '_backup_' + \ :func:`util.system.get_timestamp` then :param move: Deletes original location after copy (a.k.a. move) * To delete `src` , set `tgt` explicitly to ``False`` \ and `move` to ``True`` (be careful!!1!) :param verbose: Show warnings ''' from photon.util.system import shell_notify if _path.exists(src): if tgt: if _path.isfile(src): _copy2(src, search_location( tgt, create_in=_path.dirname(tgt), verbose=verbose) ) else: for l in _listdir(src): change_location( _path.abspath(_path.join(src, l)), _path.abspath(_path.join(tgt, l)) ) if move: if _path.isdir(src) and not _path.islink(src): _rmtree(src) else: _remove(src) if verbose: shell_notify( '%s location' % ( 'deleted' if not tgt and move else 'moved' if move else 'copied' ), more=dict(src=src, tgt=tgt) )
[docs]def backup_location(src, loc=None): ''' Writes Backups of locations :param src: The source file/folder to backup :param loc: The target folder to backup into The backup will be called `src` + :func:`util.system.get_timestamp`. * If `loc` left to none, the backup gets written in the same \ folder like `src` resides in * Otherwise the specified path will be used. ''' from photon.util.system import get_timestamp src = _path.realpath(src) if not loc or not loc.startswith(_sep): loc = _path.dirname(src) pth = _path.join(_path.basename(src), _path.realpath(loc)) out = '%s_backup_%s' % (_path.basename(src), get_timestamp()) change_location(src, search_location(out, create_in=pth))