Source code for photon.util.system

.. |use_photon_m| replace::
    This method is just a helper method within photon.
    If you need this functionality use :func:`photon.Photon.m` instead
from datetime import datetime as _datetime
from pprint import pformat as _pformat
from shlex import split as _split
from subprocess import PIPE as _PIPE
from subprocess import Popen as _Popen
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired as _TimeoutExpired
from sys import exit as _exit

[docs]def shell_notify(msg, state=False, more=None, exitcode=None, verbose=True): ''' A pretty long wrapper for a :py:func:`print` function. But this :py:func:`print` is the only one in Photon. .. note:: |use_photon_m| :param msg: The message to show :param state: The message will be prefixed with [`state`] * If ``False`` (default): Prefixed with ~ * If ``None``: Prefixed with [WARNING] * If ``True``: Prefixed with [FATAL] and the exitcode \ will be set (see below) :param more: Something to add to the message (see below) * Anything you have. Just for further information. * Will be displayed after the message, \ pretty printed using :py:func:`pprint.pformat` :param exitcode: |appteardown| with given code :param verbose: Show message or not (see below) * If set to ``False``, you can use :func:`shell_notify` \ for the dictionary it returns. * Will be overruled if `exitcode` is set. :returns: A dictionary containing untouched `msg`, `more` and `verbose` ''' if state is True: state = '[FATAL]' exitcode = 23 elif state is None: state = '[WARNING]' elif state is False: state = '~' else: state = '[%s]' % (str(state)) m = ' %s %s' % (state, str(msg)) if more: m += '\n\t' + _pformat(more).replace('\n', '\n\t') if verbose or isinstance(exitcode, int): print(m) if isinstance(exitcode, int): _exit(exitcode) return dict(message=msg, more=more, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def shell_run(cmd, cin=None, cwd=None, timeout=10, critical=True, verbose=True): ''' Runs a shell command within a controlled environment. .. note:: |use_photon_m| :param cmd: The command to run * A string one would type into a console like \ :command:`git push -u origin master`. * Will be split using :py:func:`shlex.split`. * It is possible to use a list here, but then no splitting is done. :param cin: Add something to stdin of `cmd` :param cwd: Run `cmd` insde specified current working directory :param timeout: Catch infinite loops (e.g. ``ping``). Exit after `timeout` seconds :param critical: If set to ``True``: |appteardown| on failure of `cmd` :param verbose: Show messages and warnings :returns: A dictionary containing the results from running `cmd` with the following: * 'command': `cmd` * 'stdin': `cin` (If data was set in `cin`) * 'cwd': `cwd` (If `cwd` was set) * 'exception': exception message (If an exception was thrown) * 'timeout': `timeout` (If a timeout exception was thrown) * 'stdout': List from stdout (If any) * 'stderr': List from stderr (If any) * 'returncode': The returncode (If not any exception) * 'out': The most urgent message as joined string. \ ('exception' > 'stderr' > 'stdout') ''' res = dict(command=cmd) if cin: cin = str(cin) res.update(dict(stdin=cin)) if cwd: res.update(dict(cwd=cwd)) if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = _split(cmd) try: p = _Popen( cmd, stdin=_PIPE, stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE, bufsize=1, cwd=cwd, universal_newlines=True ) except Exception as ex: res.update(dict(exception=str(ex))) else: try: out, err = p.communicate(input=cin, timeout=timeout) if out: res.update(dict( stdout=[o for o in out.split('\n') if o] )) if err: res.update(dict( stderr=[e for e in err.split('\n') if e] )) res.update(dict(returncode=p.returncode)) except _TimeoutExpired as ex: res.update(dict(exception=str(ex), timeout=timeout)) p.kill() except Exception as ex: res.update(dict(exception=str(ex))) res.update( out=( res.get('exception') or '\n'.join(res.get('stderr') or res.get('stdout', '')) ) ) if res.get('returncode', -1) != 0: res.update(dict(critical=critical)) shell_notify( 'error in shell command \'%s\'' % (res.get('command')), state=True if critical else None, more=res, verbose=verbose ) return res
[docs]def get_timestamp(time=True, precice=False): ''' What time is it? :param time: Append ``-%H.%M.%S`` to the final string. :param precice: Append ``-%f`` to the final string. Is only recognized when `time` is set to ``True`` :returns: A timestamp string of now in the format ``%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S-%f`` .. seealso:: ` <>`_ is awesome! ''' f = '%Y.%m.%d' if time: f += '-%H.%M.%S' if precice: f += '-%f' return
[docs]def get_hostname(): ''' Determines the current hostname by probing ``uname -n``. Falls back to ``hostname`` in case of problems. |appteardown| if both failed (usually they don't but consider this if you are debugging weird problems..) :returns: The hostname as string. Domain parts will be split off ''' h = shell_run('uname -n', critical=False, verbose=False) if not h: h = shell_run('hostname', critical=False, verbose=False) if not h: shell_notify('could not retrieve hostname', state=True) return str(h.get('out')).split('.')[0]