.. include:: shared.rst .. _util: Utility ======= This is the toolbox used by :ref:`core`: .. seealso:: |allcore| As well as used by the :ref:`tools`: .. seealso:: |alltools| .. note:: If you have no explicit reason, do **not** use the functions here directly. * Always try to work trough :class:`photon.Photon` and it's handlers. * If you discover you are repeatedly calling backend functions consider adding a tool for that job! .. _util_files: Files ----- .. automodule:: photon.util.files :members: :undoc-members: .. _util_locations: Locations --------- .. automodule:: photon.util.locations :members: :undoc-members: .. _util_structures: Structures ---------- .. automodule:: photon.util.structures :members: :undoc-members: .. _util_system: System ------ .. automodule:: photon.util.system :members: :undoc-members: